Sunday, November 25, 2018

Afterlife Part 1/2

How do you imagine the afterlife?
When I imagine the afterlife, I envision a limitless, timeless and infinite in space world, full of powerful beings all with their own stories, some written by mankind some by themselves, living in harmony in their own domains of reign separated one from the other. When I say domain of reign, I mean “Heaven, the heavens, seven heavens, pure lands, Tian, Jannah, Valhalla, or the Summerland”. For the curious I will include here a link to the concepts of Heaven of the many cultures this earth has hosted. 
Furthermore there are the concepts of Hell: Kur, Irkalla, lake of fire, Tartarus, Anaon, Uffern, Peklo, Tuonela, Bagobo, Naraka, Diyu, Hefgwauge, Kuzimu, Mictlan, Adlivun, Shobari Waka and Xibalba just to name a few.
With so many different Hells and Heavens who knows exactly what life after death brings us or even if it brings us anything, for example there are the neutral afterlives where souls just reside.
Humans were bestowed with the gift of life and the gift of creating life. Let us be happy for a moment that we are alive and seek peace with the thought that nothing may come after death.
Do you consider your soul to be yours and yours alone or have you been given a soul as part of the process of a greater being to learn and to access knowledge?
Personally, I think the soul is the most precious gift we were given and like any gift it should be our choice if we want to keep it or return it after dying.
Is the soul our unique identifier? Will it be recycled? Will it be included in future humans?
I believe in soul mates and I believe the soul helps us undertake the journey after death. As for the recycling of souls, I believe the process may be required if we want to live again.
Why are there so little people who do remember living past lives?
A simple explanation would be that we must renounce our memories to live again. A jatswar however is a person who remembers his past life, this should only conclude that it is possible to retain memories from our previous lives.
Are the jatswar lucky to have bend the rules of the universe of not remembering past lives? Is it possible for us to become jatswar as well in a future life?
One must seek yogic knowledge to be able to answer such questions but for the interested you can read more here:
Here I would like to add my own assumption, if the soul is unique and stored in the mind as the old Greek philosophers believed (, what stops us from being born again with the past experiences of our own lives?
In my opinion all that could be necessary would be a life dedicated towards spiritualism.
Perhaps it is better to start from new but then who decides what is better for us other than ourselves?
Is it the universe itself or perhaps a powerful entity that decides that in our time on earth we should find the meaning to our own lives?
Good questions don’t always have an answer, furthermore they can reveal more questions. My writings are not here to tell you the truth only to try to make you think about your personal truth.
Is the law of karma what rules the world? 
This principle could be very well be compared to karmic fate and resembles the concept of destiny.
I believe that we are rewarded or punished both in life and death based on the deeds we have done in our lives.
Which theory of genesis do you believe into?
I like believing that God created the Big Bang.
I too have had questions in the past 2 years, everything seemed to happen for a reason, once you realise that it seems harder and harder to stop the process. I do not deny the existence of any god as every being has its own role.
Are we born to make the same mistakes all over again while not even knowing it? Do we travel from genesis to genesis in an unfair world where the soul just powers the cosmic machinery that allows life to exist? Do we keep living the same life? I do not oppose any of the many theories about the genesis, but one must wonder: What is reality? Are we real? Did we evolve from nature? Were we the creation of another civilization who didn't want to be alone in the universe? Are we a story being read in another dimension? Are we living in a simulation? Are we a creation of God, or have we created him and contained him as part of our culture? Is this cycle breakable or is this just a joke between death and life and an exchange of gifts from one to the other? What holds the universe together? How many dimensions are there? Is time finite? Does something exist out of time? Are we just an experiment? Is there such a thing as a perfect genesis? Do we have to work all together in our own way to create one? Are we pawns in a big game of chess? Are we kings of our own stories? Does a theory exist that could encompass all genesi?
These questions must be answered by everyone for themselves.
At the start of the blog I told you to imagine, it is up to everybody and nobody to come up with their own fiction of afterlife. But let us take the process of imagination further.
How do you imagine your own religion? Do you believe in reincarnation of the soul or of the body? Are we soulless or are we out of touch with our own souls?
I believe in reincarnation of the body and recycling of the soul. Furthermore, I believe it’s the soul that chooses the host.
A mythos which I always liked believing in is that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Personally, I think there are 2 types of souls that attract each other, the ones that do not differ from each other and the ones that are opposites. The first ones bring evolution between one another at a slower pace, they never collide or push away one another, while the other never wants to change and collide releasing energy around them. Are we predetermined to choose the ones that give us internal balance or are we bound to find the opposites to learn more and more from each other? I talked about imagination, I hope you made a small or complex story in the time I told you to think about your religion. Which sources will you take in consideration? Here intervenes faith. Now I should put you to another small test.
Do you believe in what you have imagined to be your own truth or the truth of others?
It is said that in Nirvana you are to meet the versions of the ones that you loved and loved you, sadly this again is pure simulation of your brain on DMT,N-Dimethyltryptamine, they are not real, it is just another step prior to having your soul recycled. Discomforting isn't it? The same might be true for Eden or Paradise or Heaven, depending on what you want to call them. Perhaps a clarification is required, I do not preach against religion, I just preach religion of self. Have your own faith. Of course, this may seem different compared to what you have been thought along generations. I think the subconscious to be the one that rapidly makes and transforms your experiences into a nice image for you to have outside of time in the time between your return as another body. The brain is very powerful and only becomes more powerful with every action undertaken by yourself with your conscious mind.
A good theory that could be included here, and that could teach us to make a better world for ourselves and the ones around us would be to consider that every soul must live every life once, if this would be so, we would receive the answer in the end about what was the meaning of all the struggles. The fight between good and evil is ingrained in our culture, I consider nothing is either good or evil, as evil and good are both concepts that evolve throughout time and are changed by external factors out of the persons control.