Do these quotes justify conflict, war, death?
In their defense
destruction does not always bring loss of human life with it, but if it were it's
hard to agree with them. Humankind is driven by war, there have been less than 200 years without war globally in our
recorded history. It is true that war has brought many innovations that we use
today and has quite massively advanced technology. War even in culture/religion and myths has
more deities than love and peace combined. Here are the lists that I have
What does this say about ourselves?
We claim to fight for peace but how can you
maintain peace after bringing destruction and
enforcing a military rule over others. Furthermore, you force them to believe
in your gods. In other words, the right to rule throughout history has been given to the strongest
military power. There is a cult of praise forged around soldiers. This can
be seen best in America. But this is not new, we can see this kind of cult in history at
the Aztecs and in the Roman empire only to name a few. Not only do we praise
gods of war, but stories are told about great wars in religion as well
The biggest problem in reality is that once this road to war is being undertaken it's hard
to go back. Demilitarization can be an option, but you'd have to trust other countries to do so as well. The spent
resources must be retrieved somehow, and this can only be done by enforcing
conflict and war. Prevention of war has become preparation for war. It's a rather grim
picture for humanity, and I wouldn't be surprised if a war driven nation would
manage to also invent an AGI(Artificial General Intelligence) to completely nullify the defenses of another country. I think it
will resemble the creation of the first computers and the internet for military
purposes. This however might be ingrained in our DNA, as we evolved we became better hunters
and maximized our chances at surviving in unforgiving nature. The better the
hunters the more meat would be brought the higher the chance of survival for the whole tribe.
Furthermore 5 out of 6 ancestor races have died, perhaps these were not as
prepared for a human to human encounter or perhaps they went extinct for other reasons, this is sadly unknown,
and one can only speculate. We also got lucky that the extinction of the dinosaurs
happened, leaving space for evolution for a social mammal, the ape. This and the earliest
forms of communities helped us alongside making tools for war against other
mammals. Step by step we evolved into homo sapiens and instead of recognizing and appreciating each human
with no discrimination we started driving cultures extinct. It is unknown to me
if war is justified through religion or if the religion we choose to believe in, preach
war. "Holy war" is preached by multiple religions, the conflict
derives from misinterpretation of ancient texts.
Who is to say that "the one True God" doesn't have
multiple names depending on culture?
In a previous post i have discussed about
my belief in an All-Father("The deity variously called “Yahweh” or
“Lord” or Allah” is thought to be one and the same God.")
but I haven't properly explained my view on his existence, form or substance. The
reason why we should not portray him is because we cannot even conceive such a
powerful being. Our image of God is distorted by our own image. We make him a
fatherly figure, as if God would have a gender or a skin color or a long beard.
is to say that all these elements are true?
One counterargument to this is
"She is black", this view of God or "Kali" is portrayed in the Hindu mythology. Alan
Watts talks more about it here:
Let's also talk about ethics.
Is genocide not condemned by religion? Doesn't
religion teach us to love the closest to us?
We seem to forget the simplest teachings, the ancient texts
talk about believing in God, but this mustn't be done necessarily through
worship or by destroying temples and symbols of other cultures. By doing these atrocities or by
performing genocide do you not only entice the other culture to hate and
separate itself and even rebel against your own gods? What if the only difference is the name?
The ancient texts taught us how to live a good life and how to be better
versions of ourselves, even though some laws of God should be revisited we
probably will not believe in contemporaneous prophets unless they can perform
miracles. We are imperfect, we are not pure, personally, I think this is the fault of
society and evolution. I think a big problem nowadays is that
some nonbelievers act more responsibly and more considerate towards other humans than believers. They
hate and discriminate less and are more charitable towards the poor no matter
the religion. Without believing they will be rewarded in the afterlife, so
wouldn't these individuals be more fit to ascend to Heaven/Nirvana/Eden and so
on? Meanwhile the sects and religions keep for themselves and teach of
punishment for the nonbelievers. They only help believers even if the help they could
give to poorer nations could help restore a small balance to the world. It is
hard to say if religion made the world a better or a worse place, mainly because it has been
there since the beginning of recorded history. After all religion is part of
our culture and just another thing that makes us distinguish ourselves from others. Leaving
some of my cynic aside, religion gives purpose to life and I truly believe that
purpose, no matter the purpose, is good. Under this assumption religion itself must
be good, but we must differentiate between preachers of religion, especially
those who only use small parts of the ancient texts to gain control over the masses and religion. Faith itself can't be bad, but as it happens with every important thing,
humans cannot grasp all the information in an objective way or don't want to.
does it mean to be a religious person?
Perhaps it means just to live a good
life and be a better version of yourself, perhaps it means to read the ancient texts or
perhaps it means to preach and convey others to your religion (although
unlikely in my view as this is the exact thing that made problems throughout history and created conflict and
war). Leaving more cynic aside, maybe we are not driven at war by religion, but
it is one of the reasons that justifies war. A fully objective view would be to see war
and conflict just as small parts of economic and political conflicts. The catch
is in the interest of the elites. the less than 1% that run the world. Religion, holy wars and defense of your own religion are all part of an intertwined web of persuasion
that are used to manipulate the 99%, or more likely the fit to fight that also believe in the
preachers of religion. Lastly, do not believe the truths of others, seek the
truth for yourself, do not seek justification of actions that contradict your morality from
others, decide for yourself if something is right or not. Only when having full
control of your life and accepting the possible
consequences of your own actions will you truly
be free. And a free person is free to be judged by others, but no judgement
should take his freedom away.
Who is more justified in his actions the
conqueror or the conquered? There are so many factors to consider but most important of them all, how is the
individual affected?
Mankind might not be so bad after all, but when we see our
closest friends or family members die for no reason other than the will of others how can we
stand aside and not do anything. Vengeance is enough of a driving factor to
rebel against anything. ““Eye for an eye” makes the whole world blind”. At the
same time many soldiers return home never wanting to return to the
battlefield, soldiers, veterans that suffer tremendous psychological damage,
many times irreversible after having lost their fellow men during wartime or after seeing the
atrocities of war. We are evolving, for the past years we have been getting
closer and closer to a nuclear war, but mankind will stand tall, and hopefully with a bit of help and
luck we will manage to maintain peace and stop war. As a last note, if the
money invested in prevention of war would be used for
advancing society, we would have a better living
much faster, but this, after all, is just, wishful thinking. Movie
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