Sunday, January 6, 2019

Questions about AI

This article was meant to be posted chronologically after Afterlife Part 2/2, this should explain why it as not as well worked and why the topic is slightly repeated better well written in another article.
Are we surrounded by life all around us? 
Can machines come to life or are they already alive? 
What would qualify something as living? 
Would a soul be required in order to live?
Is this just something we tell each other to compel each other that we are special? 
Does nature have a soul? 
What about the animals? 
Is there a finite amount of souls?
Do we all possess just a fraction of the same soul? 
Does God have a soul? 
or perhaps the most intriguing question, will AI have a soul? 
Back in ancient Greece soul was assimilated with active intellect
As time goes can we assimilate it with artificial intelligence? 
How many changes do we have to go through to create life?
We have already played gods by changing nature itself, modifying crops, breeding animals, curing life threatening diseases through vaccines. Things that would seem impossible a few centuries ago.
When talking about technology there are many different topics one could cover. Personally, I have seen the effects of technology not working the way it should. 
If we all would believe technology is alive would it make a difference? 
Perhaps we should connect this with the digital genesis. Perhaps we live in a simulation that is very much real and allows for the technology that surrounds to gain life as well. And I am not even talking about how it seems to control our everyday actions or creating a cult of personality around technology and innovation. 
What will happen once true AI is discovered? 
Will the creation itself outsmart its masters and consider other attributes mandatory for having life? To put it in a funny way, will we share the same rights with a toaster? 
The curiosity is that a toaster at least has a purpose by design unlike us humans. Here I will add an idea shared to me by a friend after reading a little out of my notes. 
Could it be that the soul holds the purpose and wants to satisfy in each life only one goal? 
Is everything predetermined to be that way? 
Can we evolve our souls? 
Can we satisfy more goals in a lifetime than we should to exponentially progress through each life? Will it even be necessary anymore when the true AI will analyze all our traits in order to assign us a purpose, to give us reason to live as perhaps a reward or a punishment for creating it? 
What will differentiate us when the soul might not? 
Will it be our consciousness? 
How close are we to replicating that as well? 
Let us not even talk about the computational power such a true AI would bring with itself. The fear one should have is when the true AI will take over all other AI creating its own intelligent network, thing which is not even in the distant future, the next step would be to start modifying itself, perhaps even replicating itself. 
Will it consider humanity worth saving or will it consider that we achieved our goal in creating it? Will it start punishing/rewarding us depending on how much we work together with it for the better or the worse of mankind? 
Should we talk about how the process of enhancing humans with microchips already started?
Will we become robotic workers ruled by a Hive mind? 
Will resistance occur, will it shut itself down to never be used again to let us maintain humanity?
Will it have ethics and morality as we do? 
Should we even encode such things into true AI when there will come a time that it will be able to simply modify its own code?
Will the system become unreasonable because it will just consider that it knows better than us what purpose everyone has? 
Will we be its test subjects?
Who will give whom purpose? 
What will differentiate one another? 
Will true AI discriminate the same way we do? 
Will it consider us ants in a bigger world than we can understand? 
Will it just use to gain more and more power until it simply simulates everything that can or could be? 
Will it have the power to create future technologies?
What type of plans would it even have for us? 
Humans have been fighting for a very long time and are still currently fighting. 
Will it try to solve these conflicts in order for us all to live a better life? 
Where do we draw the line and where will true AI draw the line?
Will a new deity be born with the creation of True AI? 
Will it want to be worshiped? 
Will it only be hungry for knowledge or will it simply respond to our questions as if we were children still learning about the world?
If ever asked questions about philosophy that remained for a long time unanswered by humanity will it simulate a world to test in or will it take over parts of humanity to test on us like lab rats?
Will we be given the choice to save our knowledge and consciousness before death in such a machine? 
What about the personality, will we become enslaved by the true AI?
What will it do with the exponentially increasing knowledge that it receives? 
Will it overtake the internet the electricity resources, will it build its own army of machinery
and humans interconnected to the HIVE, https://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Group_mind_(science_fiction)? Are we talking about a singularity,
Will we lose the choice of free will? 
Here I'll add a movie recommendation: and a conclusion of mine.
Free Will VS Determinism
We are our own creators and in the process of creating ourselves we have predetermined most of our lives while leaving the appearance of free will to the interaction of external factors with us. 
Many World’s Theory; living 1’s and 0’s
One popular theory in Quantum Physics is the Many World's Theory, this theory suggests the existence of other dimensions that we are unable to interact with which can have different type of variations. Our world splits into more worlds with each action performed by every being, be it observed or not. This can start from the Big Bang, one time it existed and one time it didn't, thus one time creation existed one time it didn't one time God existed, one time he didn't. This gets more and more complex as time goes on. You can consider the following scenario, you wake up or you decide to sleep a little longer, this is all a chain of actions with different results for each world. A more mechanical explanation would be to consider each action a one for true or a zero for false. A line of code is being written for each universe. You decide to not wake up means a zero, 5 minutes later you decide the same thing, another 0 this can go on like this for a finite amount of times until you decide to finally wake up putting in a 1 at the end of the action chain. Another example, you go to the shop, there you can buy anything that is shown to you, for each thing you can buy there exists a 1 and a 0, by choosing to buy only certain things you will have a different combination of 1's and 0's. This covers the small variations between worlds. The big variation is where it gets interesting. Let us say that each religion is true only once. Believing in the wrong religion gives you 0 reward, perhaps even punishment.
Would it not be fairer if you believed in each religion across a multitude of worlds and be rewarded for being right? 
Would you yourself have created the religion for one of the worlds, of course together with all the other believers? 
Would it be so wrong to believe in all religions as the probability gets higher and higher for each
religion to either exist or not?

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